How do I create a page for my Non-Profit?
<aside> 🇩🇪 Hier findest Du diesen Artikel auf Deutsch: Seite für Non-Profit erstellen
If you don't have a personal profile on Plentii yet, first create one using this link.
When you are logged in, you can create a page for your non-profit using the navigation bar in the upper right corner.
Once you publish the page, your non-profit is now visible to the community and you can create a time or material need right away!
<aside> 💡 If you would also like to collect money donations: fill out this form so that we can activate money donations for you.
<aside> ❓ Du findest die Antwort auf Deine Frage nicht? Or you need support in English? We’re excited to [email protected]!